
Jermaine Hughes is a creative from Oakland, Ca who specializes in helping individuals level up their lives through his numerous gifts and creations. He has performing spoken poetry at large community events, taught classes on finances to organizations and small groups, and created attire for special events. Stick around to see how his products and services can impact you!


Having found himself in dyer straights at 30, Jermaine Hughes began his journey of self-discover and reinvention that started with financial literacy. Since then, Jermaine has been going near and far to teach youth and young adults about how to make wise financial choices for them and their families. He makes sure to attach it to whatever he is doing, whether it is performing, speaking or creative hats and other attire. He knows how this knowledge can and does impact those that take it to heart.




Who we are

It all begins with change. We fight for change and we fight to change. Change our beliefs. Change our circumstances. Change in light of the fact that some things will remain the same. This is an ode to progress and valuing what never changes.